Every May we commemorate an Gorta Mor (the Great Hunger). We remember the more than one million Irish that died and the two million forced to leave their homes and country to escape the Great Hunger by participating in various Hibernian Hunger Projects. We encourage all brothers and their families to consider committing some extra time this month to help fight hunger by volunteering and/or donating to the local food bank/pantry. A list of food pantries in the area can be found at https://www.wcpss.net/cms/lib/NC01911451/Centricity/Domain/135/food%20pantry%20wake%20county.pdf .
Some of us will be volunteering at Brown Bag ministry at St Catherine’s church in Wake Forest this Saturday morning. If you’re not familiar with Brown Bag, volunteers make sandwiches and pack brown bag lunches. Then they deliver them to a low income neighborhood near downtown Wake Forest and hand them out to those in need.
If you would like to join us you can sign up at: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60b0545a9a829a64-brown
For those outside of Wake Forest there are other locations for Brown Bag in the Raleigh area. https://brownbagministry.org/sites/