Fall 2019 President’s Message


I apologize for the long delay in updating the President’s message for our Division, Division 1, Governor Burke, Wake County. We are using this part of our website to provide a simple update, every quarter of the year. This is to provide the significant events from the previous three months, and what we believe are the significant events for the next three months.

July 2019

Historically, July is the “rest” month for Division 1. In fact, we do not have a Division meeting normally scheduled but we do have Board of Directors meeting and we do have activity. The most important item for us was the annual Ulster Project Picnic. The event was a success with some baseball, some food and some playing around in the water. This is a wonderful organization that has been helping bridge Ireland for more than 24 years!!

The AOH also completed another room renovation for New Bern House. The New Bern House is run by the Helping Hands Mission. Helping Hands has been operating the New Bern House since 1995 and the AOH has been remolding rooms and providing food and gifts for many years. The goal of the New Bern House includes Transitional Housing to provide a temporary home, tools, resources and opportunities for single mothers and other families, experiencing homelessness, to transition into independent living.


August 2019

This August we focused on preparing for our big events in the Fall and Winter. Most important of those is the Irish Music Festival. In addition, 7 new members completed the training to receive the Shamrock Degree! August begins the next 12 months of Division and Board meetings as well as the election of Brother Bob Martin as Vice President and Brother Jerry Ryan as Marshall.

September 2019

In addition to the regular meetings, September 21st is our Irish Music Festival – The Festival In The Forest. This year is shaping up to be another wonderful event and our festival partner Diaper Bank of North Carolina is a very worthy charity.


October 2019

October’s major event is the biennial North Carolina AOH State Convention. It will be held in Wilmington, NC for all of the Brothers in the State of NC.


November 2019

In addition to the normal meetings at the Knights of Columbus Events Clubhouse, November will include fundraisers for our annual Turkey Drive for the New Bern House. Last year the Division collected and delivered more than 25 turkeys  and all the fixin’s to the delight of the staff at the New Bern House and the countless they cook for.


December 2019

December is all about Christmas and our annual Christmas event at the Knights of Columbus Club. We hope 2019 is a blessed and happy year for all!


Yours in Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity,
Kevin Meagher
President, AOH, Governor Thomas Burke Division

Governor Burke Gravesite Cleanup

Each year we visit and do maintenance to the grave site of Governor Thomas Burke, whom our division is named after. This year we will be cleaning up the grave site on April 27th.

You will be getting your hands and especially your feet dirty, so make sure to bring some gloves and some old work boots as we will be walking through a cow pasture.

We will also grab a bite to eat while we are out there.

Facebook Event


Set your GPS to Latta’s Egg Ranch and then keep driving down Governor Burke Rd, turning left at the farm buildings.

1016 Governor Burke Rd
Hillsborough, NC 27278
Latitude: 36.1028, Longitude: -79.0883

March 2019 declared Irish American Heritage Month in North Carolina

North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper has declared March 2019 as Irish American Heritage month!

Saint Patrick’s Day is just around the corner and NC AOH divisions will be holding events throughout the entire month promoting Irish American Heritage. Keep an eye on the NC AOH Facebook page this month for frequent posts featuring various Irish Americans.


Fifth Annual Governor Thomas Burke AOH Division Golf Outing

Due to lower than expected attendance, this year’s event has been canceled.

All Paypal payments will be refunded by 4/26/2019.

2019 St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Dance

The Wake County Ancient Order of Hibernians hosts an annual St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Dance open to all those interested in celebrating the holiday.

Join us for a fun evening of food, drinks, dancing, and raffles!






Event Details:
Saturday, March 9th, 2019
Doors open at 6:30 PM with dinner starting at 7:30 PM
St. Michael the Archangel Parish Center
804 High House Road Cary, NC
Dancers from Triggle Academy of Irish Dance will perform prior to dinner and a DJ will provide the dance music after the meal.
During the evening the winning ticket for the Hibernian Charity of Wake County Vacation for Four to Ireland raffle will be drawn. The winner receives airfare, 7 days and 6 nights at a Bed and Breakfast, and a rental car. There are no blackout dates – just use it within a year of winning or choose $5,000.00 instead. Tickets are $100 each with only 150 sold. Raffle proceeds go to charities, churches, schools & scholarships that the AOH (wakeaoh.com) supports locally in Wake County as well as in Ireland.

Dinner tickets are $35 per person in advance and include a buffet dinner of corn beef and cabbage, shepard’s pie, salad, soda bread, tea, coffee, dessert as well as beer and wine. Tickets increase to $45 after March 1st.

If you are interested in purchasing dinner tickets by check, contact us using this form to arrange payment: www.wakeaoh.com/contact-us/

If you are interested in purchasing dinner tickets using PayPal you can use the button below:

2019 Dinner Dance Ticket ($45 + $1 processing fee/person)


2018 St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Dance

The Wake County Ancient Order of Hibernians hosts an annual St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Dance open to all those interested in celebrating the holiday.

Join us for a fun evening of food, drinks, dancing, and raffles!






Event Details:
Saturday, March 10th, 2018
Doors open at 6:30 PM with dinner starting at 7:30 PM
St. Michael the Archangel Parish Center
804 High House Road Cary, NC
Dancers from Tríonóide Academy of Irish Dance will perform prior to dinner and a DJ will provide the dance music after the meal.
During the evening the winning ticket for the Hibernian Charity of Wake County Vacation for Four to Ireland raffle will be drawn. The winner receives airfare, 7 days and 6 nights at a Bed and Breakfast, and a rental car. There are no blackout dates – just use it within a year of winning or choose $5,000.00 instead. Tickets are $100 each with only 150 sold. Raffle proceeds go to charities, churches, schools & scholarships that the AOH (wakeaoh.com) supports locally in Wake County as well as in Ireland.

Dinner tickets are $35 per person and includes a buffet dinner of corn beef and cabbage, shepard’s pie, salad, soda bread, tea, coffee, dessert as well as beer and wine.

If you are interested in purchasing dinner tickets by check, contact us using this form to arrange payment: www.wakeaoh.com/contact-us/

If you are interested in purchasing dinner tickets using PayPal you can use the button below:

2018 Dinner Dance Ticket ($35+$1 fee/person)


Rhythm of the Dance Tickets

Rhythm of the Dance
The National Dance Company of Ireland
Friday, February 23, 2018 @7:30 PM
Louisburg College
501 N Main St, Louisburg, NC 27549

This richly costumed show marries ancient, traditional Irish entertainment with exhilarating contemporary stage technology. Rhythm of the Dance is a breathtaking and spectacular musical production that is a true celebration of Ireland presented through song, dance, and storytelling.


The AOH has secured block seating for this event and by ordering your tickets through the AOH you will get a $5 discount off the normal general admission price. AOH members will also get an additional $1 off tickets. Not a member yet? Apply for Membership

We have also arranged bus transportation to and from the show for only $15. The bus will leave from Pat Murnane’s Irish Pub in Wake Forest at approximately 6pm.
2101 S Main Street Suite 112 Wake Forest, NC 27587
Seating is limited so reserve your seat on the bus now!


 TICKET SALES ENDED February 23rd. 








Annual Thanksgiving Donation to the New Bern House

The Helping Hands Mission is known for aiding Wake County’s low income, elderly, homeless, disabled and handicapped communities. Each year the Wake County AOH drops off donations for the Helping Hands Mission’s Thanksgiving “Love” Basket program. Each basket contains a turkey, stuffing, canned goods and more to help provide a Thanksgiving meal for those less fortunate in Wake County. This year the AOH dropped off over 40 turkeys, several hams and numerous boxes of food to the New Bern House.

Many thanks goes to D’s Bottleshop in Wakefield which served as a drop off location for our food drive and hosted a Thanksgiving party with Ewes Tree Irish Band, which is made up of division members.

As an additional note, because of the success with the Food Drive at D’s we will be setting up a Toy and Coat Drive for Christmas. We will be dropping off donation collection bins to D’s Bottleshop in Wakefield, Patrick Jane’s Bar & Bistro in Cary, Pat Murnane’s Irish Pub in Wake Forest and The Stags Head in Raleigh. The Helping Hands Mission is asking for donations of Educational Toys for ages birth to 5 years old as well as warm gloves, scarves and coats for Operation Warm Clothing. We will drop the donations off to the New Bern House on Dec 23rd.


Feis in the Forest – An Irish Music Festival on 9/23

The 2017 Irish Music Festival will be September 23rd on South Taylor Street in downtown Wake Forest from 3pm-10pm. 


If you would like to become a sponsor for this year’s festival, visit our sponsors page.



2017 AOH & LAOH North Carolina State Convention & Major Degree October 6-8

2017 AOH & LAOH North Carolina State Convention & Major Degree

Host City: Raleigh

Host Division: Wake County Division #1, Gov. Thomas Burke Division

Dates: October 6-8, 2017 (Friday – Sunday) with the Major Degree on Sunday the 8th at 11am

Hotel: Holiday Inn, Downtown Raleigh 320 Hillsborough Street, Raleigh, NC 27603

Hotel Phone: 919-832-0501

AOH Hotel Registration Link: https://www.holidayinn.com/redirect?path=hd&brandCode=hi&localeCode=en&regionCode=1&hotelCode=RDUSC&_PMID=99801505&GPC=AOH

Hotel Room Rates: $119 per night double occupancy (taxes not included)

Convention Registration Fee: $20
AOH Member Banquet Fee: $65
Guest Banquet Fee: $50

The State Board and the Wake County Division will be sponsoring a Major Degree for eligible AOH members on Sunday October 8, 2017 at 11 am. Degree Registration is $35 with $25 going directly to the degree team. Each candidate must register thorough their division.

2017 NC AOH State Convention and Banquet Registration form (1516 downloads )


Convention Schedule:

Friday 10/6/2017
3:00p Registration begins in the hospitality suite
 Saturday 10/7/2017
10:00a Hospitality suite reopens with registration available.
11:00a-2:00p Business Meeting begins. This room must be cleared by 2pm to allow for the banquet set up
5:00p Mass @ the Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral (offsite due to lack of available rooms)
        The Cathedral is located ~2.5 miles from the hotel:
        715 Nazareth St,
       Raleigh, NC 27606
6:00p-7:00p Cocktail Hour with cash bar
7:15p Dinner begins
8:15p-10p Banquet with Irish Dancers and Ewe’s Tree (Irish band)
10:00p Hospitality Suite opens
Sunday 10/8/2017
10:00a Degree rooms open – available through 1:00p
10:15a Shamrock degree begins
10:45a Major degree candidate registration
11:00a Major degree begins