2017 AOH & LAOH North Carolina State Convention & Major Degree October 6-8

2017 AOH & LAOH North Carolina State Convention & Major Degree

Host City: Raleigh

Host Division: Wake County Division #1, Gov. Thomas Burke Division

Dates: October 6-8, 2017 (Friday – Sunday) with the Major Degree on Sunday the 8th at 11am

Hotel: Holiday Inn, Downtown Raleigh 320 Hillsborough Street, Raleigh, NC 27603

Hotel Phone: 919-832-0501

AOH Hotel Registration Link: https://www.holidayinn.com/redirect?path=hd&brandCode=hi&localeCode=en&regionCode=1&hotelCode=RDUSC&_PMID=99801505&GPC=AOH

Hotel Room Rates: $119 per night double occupancy (taxes not included)

Convention Registration Fee: $20
AOH Member Banquet Fee: $65
Guest Banquet Fee: $50

The State Board and the Wake County Division will be sponsoring a Major Degree for eligible AOH members on Sunday October 8, 2017 at 11 am. Degree Registration is $35 with $25 going directly to the degree team. Each candidate must register thorough their division.

2017 NC AOH State Convention and Banquet Registration form (1516 downloads )


Convention Schedule:

Friday 10/6/2017
3:00p Registration begins in the hospitality suite
 Saturday 10/7/2017
10:00a Hospitality suite reopens with registration available.
11:00a-2:00p Business Meeting begins. This room must be cleared by 2pm to allow for the banquet set up
5:00p Mass @ the Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral (offsite due to lack of available rooms)
        The Cathedral is located ~2.5 miles from the hotel:
        715 Nazareth St,
       Raleigh, NC 27606
6:00p-7:00p Cocktail Hour with cash bar
7:15p Dinner begins
8:15p-10p Banquet with Irish Dancers and Ewe’s Tree (Irish band)
10:00p Hospitality Suite opens
Sunday 10/8/2017
10:00a Degree rooms open – available through 1:00p
10:15a Shamrock degree begins
10:45a Major degree candidate registration
11:00a Major degree begins