Irish History
Irish History topics pulled together by Dan Callaghan NC AOH Historian in 2014
Irish History Links (2014) … [Read More...]

History of the AOH
In the Beginning The Protestant Reformation that swept Europe in the 16th century was marked by Royal intrigues over control of the Roman Church’s wealth, and conflicts over which religion could be practiced. Violence erupted in many countries. … [Read More...]

1798 Irish Rebellion
1. Background to the rebellion The last decade of the 1700s was a most important time in Irish history. Republicanism and Loyalism both found real identity, the Orange Order and Maynooth College were both founded as the century ended with the … [Read More...]

An Gorta Mor, 1845-1849
1. BACKGROUND TO THE GREAT FAMINE AGRICULTURAL PRACTICES The potato was the principal source of nutrition for the vast majority of the poorer classes because this crop produced more food per acre than wheat and could also be used to generate … [Read More...]